Exchange Rates

Currency Buy Sell
EUR USD 1.06 1.10
EUR GBP 0.86 0.89
EUR CHF 1.02 1.06
EUR AUD 1.72 1.70
EUR JPY 116.08 116.56
EUR MYR 4.50 4.77
EUR SGD 1.53 1.57
EUR HKD 8.27 8.53
EUR CAD 1.54 53.84
EUR DKK 9.75 1.55
EUR NOK 11.48 11.52
EUR SEK 10.90 10.95
EUR KRW 0.00 0.00
EUR CNY 7.65 7.75
EUR PHP 0.00 0.00
EUR NZD 4.14 1.85
EUR SAR 3.99 4.14
EUR AED 3.89 4.07
EUR QAR 3.79 4.09
EUR OMR 0.40 0.43
EUR BHD 0.40 0.42
EUR KWD 0.33 0.35
EUR ZAR 20.36 20.82
EUR THB 34.42 36.02
  • Foreign exchange operations submitted via Emerio Banque Online Banking for sums up to 30.000 US Dollars, or the equivalent of that amount in another currency, will be automatically converted using the Bank’s prevailing exchange rates (including Bank's spread), as published on the Bank’s website;

    Foreign exchange operations for sums greater than 30.000 US Dollars, or the equivalent of that amount in another currency, will use the market exchange rate for that currency pair in force at the time of the exchange request plus the Bank's spread;

    A client may request such foreign exchange operations by signing a foreign exchange request and submitting it at one of the Bank’s branches, by fax, or via Emerio Banque Online Banking.

    For foreign exchange operations involving large amounts, a client may submit a foreign exchange request and propose a target exchange rate. The foreign exchange operation will be executed once the market exchange rate indicated in the request is reached (taking into account the Bank’s spread).

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